How Can Y Help X? (Faith Gallian)

I once heard it said that the Millennial Generation, Generation Y (those born from 1984 to 2002), could be dubbed the “Mosaic Generation”. The persons in this generation have a special connection. This connection is due to shared similar tragedies and crises. They have been faced with more of everything, really, than the generations that have come before.

Alone, they are broken shards with ragged edges, pieces of something that used to be. However, when connected, when placed with others like them, they come together and form an unusual, but beautiful, picture.

My generation, Generation X (those born from 1965 to 1983), as described by Tim Elmore in the book Generation iY, sees the hurt and suffering in the world and thinks “I can endure it”, while Generation Y says “I can change it”. Elmore goes on to say that Gen. Y students learn by experience and are driven to learn what is relative for life. To Gen. Y, hurt and pain are relative and they want to change it. So, how can we help?

Elmore explains the best way to help the future of this generation is to help them recognize their vocation and discover their strengths and passions in order to engage the world around them. The word “vocation” is taken from the same root word “vocal”, meaning “calling”.

I feel it is our duty as persons who have gone before (a great cloud of witnesses) to help those young adults among us to understand their calling. We have a mission field in our work places, our churches, and our communities. We must learn how to disciple these young adults; helping them navigate through their calling, showing them how to put wind in their sails, teaching them how to steer through the choppy waters of their journey.

Christ is calling out to us from the shore to cast our net on the other side of the boat, and we truly have a great catch right in front of us! Together, we can pull the nets in.

IMG_0904Photo: John Myer

*Faith was born in Mississippi but grew up in a small town in Indiana. She graduated with a BA in Mass Communication from Anderson University in 2004, and later graduated with her Masters in Management from Warner University. She now works at South Lake Wales Church of God as the Young Adults and Connections leader. Faith is passionate about Generation Y and has been encouraging and mentoring that generation for years. She has been an incredible voice for MOSVIC Movement since the conception of the idea and we are so thankful for her heart and passion to see a broken generation become beautiful.

**MOSVIC Movement has no religious affiliation. We would love to hear from you and your perspective on topics such as this. If you’d like to send us your voice, email us at or visit our website at .

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